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Clinic Policy

Deposit and Cancellation Policy

When an appointment is scheduled for you, that time has been set aside for you. When it is missed, that time cannot be used to treat other patients. Please respect our doctor’s time and give us adequate notice so that we are able to reallocate that time to other patients. In case of non-attendance or cancellation less than two business days from day of consultation the deposit will be forfeited as the clinic may be unable to reallocate the time slot to another patient.

Private Patients

A GP referral is required before a booking can be made with the clinic. At the time of booking, a 50% deposit is required to secure your appointment (for both Initial & Follow up appointments), this deposit will be used towards your appointment.

For Telehealth consultations, a full consultation fee is required to secure your appointment. The payment is fully refundable if you cancel or reschedule your appointment with at least 2 full business days’ notice; otherwise the 50% deposit will be forfeited.

Cancellations and No Shows

Patients who have two late cancellations or no-show records will be required to prepay their consultation fee in full for all upcoming appointments thereafter.

Late Arrival Policy

ACHAL Specialist Medical Centre aims to provide a memorable experience for all patients when visiting the centre or Telehealth from home by reducing wait times. As such, we implement a late arrival policy to ensure on time patients receive their full allocation of time.

If patients arrive less than 15 minutes late, their appointment will be shortened to the remaining time and charged in full. If patients arrive more than 15 minutes late, the patient will not be seen due to time constraints. The appointment will be considered as “no-show” and the associated fee will be charged.

We recommend you getting ready or arrive at the clinic 10 minutes prior to your appointment.

Doctor Communication Policy

To avoid disruption, phone calls from patients will not be put through to the doctors whilst they are seeing other patients.

Please understand that your doctor could not remember everyone’s case without reviewing your file, therefore all enquiries about medication, symptoms, prescriptions, medical reports, medical certificate, application forms will not be
responded to by our doctors via phone or email. Patients are required to book an appointment to discuss these issues. Please contact us on 8336 9837 or email

Please note that we are not a crisis management service. In case of emergency, please ring 000, Mental Health Triage on 13 14 65 or go to the Emergency Department at your local hospital. 

Repeat Prescriptions

Patients are to check their medication supply and ensure that they get any repeat prescriptions at the time of their appointment. Medicare does not pay a rebate for prescription writing only and it is best practice to have a review with your doctor prior to prescription. There is a charge of AUD 50.00 for script only request outside of your appointment time.

Zero Tolerance Policy

We ask that you treat our reception team and clinical staff with mutual courtesy and respect. We have a zero tolerance policy to any abusive, aggressive and threatening behaviour towards our staff. If violated, we reserve the right to terminate a phone call, ask the patient to leave or call the police.

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